Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Boston Chapter Event - June 18th

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LES Boston Chapter Meeting

Tuesday, June 18, 2013
5:30 PM- 7:30 (includes a networking reception)

Finnegan, Henderson, Farabow, Garrett & Dunner, LLP
Two Seaport Lane
Boston, MA 02210-2001

Protecting Your Information and IP Assets

Lawrence E. O'Connell, Executive Vice President and Chief Operations Officer, International Maritime Security Corporation

Mark L., Director of Security Solutions, TSC

Protecting an organization's information assets is a global issue that is no longer solved by IT or physical security alone. Information or intellectual assets such as patents, trade secrets, technical expertise, R&D, and employee know-how now account for the majority of assets on a company's balance sheet. These assets provide a company's competitive advantage and long-term revenue potential. Information assets are under siege from competitors, hackers, and foreign entities, but even unintentional employee acts put them at risk. Thus it is crucial for companies to take a proactive stance toward safeguarding their intellectual property . To understand the process of planning and response to targeted threats, this presentation will provide proactive steps your organization can take to find, fix and protect IP and trade secrets from security threats in today's global marketplace.

Click here for online registration and meeting details.


Finnegan, Henderson, Farrabow, Garrett & Dunner, LLP

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